Q & A with Bernie – February 11, 2013

Question for Bernie:

Does the soul know when the body is going to die, and does the person give “signs” to living friends and family that they are going to leave?

Recently in my life the death of a young person seems to have many coincidences/Godincidences that could be interpreted as that person trying to tell those of us left behind that he was leaving. Was this person aware it was time to leave and trying to prepare us? Thank you.

Bernie’s Answer:

dreams of paradiseYes, the soul or, as some people call it, the unconscious of the person does know that death is imminent.

I see it in drawings and hear it in the descriptions of dreams with patients who are ready to die, often including clues about when death will come.   When loved ones begin to pick up on these clues, it helps for family and even close friends to tell the patient that it is okay to let go—reassuring the patient that you will be alright.



Question for Bernie:

The recently released film The Cure Is… was recommended to me by my therapist.  Just before Christmas I bought the film. My question to you is about my son’s father who was diagnosed one year ago with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, sometimes still called Lou Gehrig’s disease).

Now, my 39-year-old son wants to take a test to find out if he is predisposed to get the same disease.  Have you ever heard of a case like this where someone has benefited from the approach to healing featured in The Cure Is…?

As a mother I am concerned about his worries. What can I do for him if testing shows a predisposition in my son for ALS?

I can of course let him see the movie, but it is difficult with men. They will not always listen to their mothers, but I think if he sees your answer and you encourage him to see the film, he will.

I hope you can give me an answer.

Best regards.

Bernie’s Answer:

lab test_tubes_If your son is willing to watch this film, let him do so.  It would also be very helpful for him to read my books.  He will learn that being predisposed to a disease does not mean that you definitely will get it.

Give him the example I write about that twins do not get the same disease at the same time.  Genes are turned on and off by our internal chemistry and the centerpiece of that is our immune system.  It responds to messages of loving your life and your body and becomes strong enough to fully protect you.

Bruce Lipton is in the film and I recommend his book, The Biology of Belief – Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles.



Question for Bernie:

I have a daughter who is addicted to drugs.  She is a very loving human being and understands the law of attraction and how our thoughts create our reality, but can’t get from where she is to where she wants to be.

Her physical injuries have been increasing to the point of not being able to walk without crutches for any length of time.  She is stuck in fear of something that she can’t put her finger on.  She tried to go to a rehab for a number of times, but walked out.

She prays for a miracle and so do I.  I heard your method of asking the patient to draw a picture.  Can you advise how drawings are able to help interpret the deep underlying issue that is preventing my daughter from healing?   Do you know who can help?  Thank you again for your POWERFUL interview.

Bernie’s Answer:

drawing art therapy spiritualityYes, the symbols in drawings emerge when our body and unconscious speak to us.  Your daughter will find the instructions for how to use drawing to help find those symbols in my book, Love, Medicine & Miracles and on the eCAP website (www.ecap-online.org).

Usually addiction is due to a lack of self-love and seeking some other feeling to fill that void.  Ask her to love herself and her body. You must keep loving her no matter what she does. She needs your love.

