Q & A with Bernie – December 9, 2013

Question for Bernie:

I am Grandmother to two active boys ages 4 and 7.  Over the past several years, and especially the past few months, my hands have started to heat up and get super-hot. I touch my husband’s arm for its coolness and he lets me cool my hands that way.  Sometimes, though, he says my hands are just too hot and actually burn him.

Would you have any idea what this means? I am trying not to let myself start thinking that it means something, but it started again today after meditating with my new prayer beads. I would appreciate any wisdom you have to offer. Blessings.

Bernie’s Answer:

This symptom could be related to hormone issues if you feel warm all over and not just in your hands.   Or, it could indicate that you are channeling healing energy through your hands.

Are you familiar with how energy healers work?  When an energy healer works with a patient, the healer positions his or her hands above the area where the patient has discomfort or dysfunction.  Then, the healer pulls in energy and conducts it through their arms and hands to the patient.  This can be done with the patient and healer together in the same place or it can be done at a distance, with the healer and patient in different places.

When energy healers conduct energy to their patients, the healer’s hands get very warm—sometimes hot.   I have felt their hands and know what they feel like.  It is much like you describe with how your hands feel.  You may be a natural healer, so try putting your hands on someone who has a physical problem and picturing them active and well.  See if this helps them.

If the extreme sensation of heat is constant, then go to your doctor and get it checked out for hormone imbalance.  If it comes and goes, it could be energy healing, which people also do for themselves.  Since it occurred after meditating, perhaps your mind just naturally moved into “energy healing mode” to help with something you were meditating about.  Energy healing is used for emotional and spiritual issues as well as for physical issues.



Question for Bernie:

I have serious vascular disease which I know came from smoking and extreme emotional distress that I have suffered through much of my life, I will leave you here the website of my doctor so you can check yourself as well.  This extreme emotional distress does not include physical or sexual abuse, just a life of loneliness in a world full of people.

I very seldom tell anyone how I feel emotionally, preferring to keep everything bottled up inside for fear of hurting others.  I have recently lost someone dear to me (he got married). He was the only one I really shared most of my feelings with, but after my stroke he decided to move on.

I am now trying to heal, but it does hurt me to see him with his wife.  I know it is making my illness worse.  Do you have any ideas on how I can cope with this emotional loss and work on repairing my health at the same time?  I know this is not a normal question for you, so if you don’t respond, I’ll understand.  Thank you.

Bernie’s Answer:

The most important thing you can do is to continually remind yourself that you, and only you, are the creator of your thoughts. You have full control over whom or what you choose to think about, and whether those choices are mostly positive or mostly negative. We don’t have control over what other people think and do, and conversely, they do not have control over what we think and do.

When we finally “see the light” of taking full responsibility for ourselves, it feels very, very good.  Life can bring us sad or unpleasant things at times, but you can learn to let them pass through your mind and be gone.  You do not have to let a lifetime of “saved old tapes” clutter up your mind.

Loneliness is a health problem, but only you can give yourself the medicine to cure it.  Get involved in helping other living beings.  If you don’t have a pet to love and who will give you unconditional love, consider getting one.  If you don’t want to be tied down to having a pet full time, then become a pet sitter in your area.

Learn mindfulness meditation.  It gives you the tools to achieve healing relaxation and overcome depression and loneliness.  Learn to love yourself and become the most important person in your life.  When you make yourself the top priority in your life, you can be healthy and strong for others.  It is not being selfish, but being selfless to care for yourself first so that you are able to give to others as you want to do.



Question for Bernie:

I am going to keep this very short and I hope sweet. I’m 70 and I am fighting—and beating—lung cancer. Your book was one that has really helped me, and I truly believe in the power of love and positivity. My problem is one of faith. Try as I might, I cannot believe in a God, though I would dearly like to. I feel life would be so much easier if I did believe, but I can’t.

I feel like I am asked to believe in Santa Claus or fairies. I do have faith in love and compassion and in helping ourselves with meditation and visualization but…. Does it matter?

Bernie’s Answer:

God is loving, intelligent, conscious energy that is available to you,
and so you have the potential to heal as do all living things.
Self-induced healing is possible for all of us because it is built in by the intelligence of creation.   Remember one of Einstein’s most famous quotes:

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”     Albert Einstein

