Q & A with Bernie – June 22, 2015

Question for Bernie:

My wife and I are now in a town called Bokeelia, Fl – outside Ft Myers – where we were so lucky to find a woman almost giving away a mobile home in a sailing, kayaking, fishing with the best backpacking fishing rod, and especially RELAXING setting, surrounded by water and peaceful happy people.  Many super rich people in trailers because of the neighbors.

In the book I am reading now, Anti- Cancer, A New Way of Life – they always included stress reduction as a key part of the nutrition and exercise changes that are curing people. Here is the quote for you (actually for your herd)–

In Chinese, the notion of “crisis” is written as a combination of the two characters “danger” and “opportunity”.   The author is introducing how his illness changed his life for the better in ways he could have never imagine when diagnosed.

The other book, Never Fear Cancer Again, changed my life almost as much as your book as it somehow got me motivated to make these changes – by UNDERSTANDING WHY AND HOW these activities work. WHY omega 3s are important, WHY grains are bad.  I finally dumped dairy and my stomach problems vanished (if it’s the placebo effect, that’s fine)

And you must enjoy seeing that just lifestyle/relaxation changes have been seen to have significant positive effects on patients’ DNA.

Finally the community you left has caught up with you!

Bernie’s Answer:

Yes, like the age-old message of “When going through hell ask yourself,

“What am I to learn from this experience?”

And, I’ll add the message of like hunger leads you to food, let the answer you find lead you to nourish your life and self.
