Q & A with Bernie – October 7, 2019

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Question for Bernie:

Dear Bernie,

I hope you are keeping really well. I just wanted to drop you a line to say how much I am enjoying and learning from your book, Love, Medicine & Miracles. I bought two copies—one for my dad who is currently having chemo and radiotherapy for esophageal cancer. He had been doing well, but the radiotherapy is really making him depressed. He’s not reading the book! I have many of your audios so I know your voice well as I take heed of your messages.

I don’t have cancer, but I did have Crohns disease for almost 10 years. I have been well for 13 years! I knew I brought it on myself, but learning to love myself has been my mission for many years and especially now… as I’m still not there, but more or less stressed with work (a workaholic) and now my business is in decline, which is sad and also stressful in itself.

So I am finally preparing myself to make some life changes purely to help me love myself and stop trying to please people! I deserve this. Your book is a really great wake up call–thank you so much for writing it.

As for my dad, I do try to encourage him to find reasons to heal! He said the other day that he didn’t think the radiotherapy was working. I tried to convince him otherwise. He has just two weeks left to go, and then three months break!

Thank you Bernie! So happy I can email you 🙂

From South London, UK

Bernie’s Answer:

Have your dad draw himself receiving radiation and any other therapies. If his drawing looks like he’s in a terrible place—a kind of hell, explain that is why he is having side effects.

There are patients I know who have no side effects. They “get out of the way and let it go to my tumor,” as one patient told me with confidence. Others have side effects when not receiving therapy due to medical errors.

Have your dad visualize several times a day that he is receiving treatment and doing beautifully. Then his body will believe and do well.
