Q & A with Bernie – April 24, 2017

Question for Bernie:

My fiancé (who is an M.D.) is diagnosed with cancer. I know the chemo regime he is on is too strong, but I cannot get the Dr. to adjust the course of treatment.

I also became extremely sick from the secondary chemo exposure.

John has now moved out into a facility to give us both some space and time to heal and create new choices.

Would it be possible for John to have an appointment with you to discuss options?

Bernie’s Answer:

We have a support group which meets twice a month from 1:30 to 3:30pm in Woodbridge.

You could attend a meeting along with your fiancé.

Read my books, starting with Love, Medicine & Miracles and The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-Healing.

Explore my website (www.berniesiegelmd.com) for information on books and about groups to contact for support.

When your fiancé changes his image of chemo, his body’s reaction will also change—is it the Devil giving you poison or a lifesaving gift from God?  Get a new box of crayons or colored pencils, and then guided by my book on the “art of healing” as mentioned above, see how drawing our perceptions of treatment can help focus our minds on healing.
