Q & A with Bernie – September 30, 2019

Question for Bernie:

Hi Bernie,
I understand if you don’t have time to respond here, but I wanted to try for this friend! I so value you and the work you have given us all.

A friend 50 years old just got diagnosed with cancer two weeks ago. She was scheduled to have surgery this Friday, but now her doctor is saying chemo and then surgery “because of the receptors – the chemo targets this type.” It’s breast cancer.

I’d read that chemo can make it worse.  I’m going to start my soul coaching work with this friend beginning next week to help eliminate unnecessary stress in her life, which I believe had a big role in creating the cancer.

Of all your books, which one would you recommend for her? I’m going to pick it up. Peace, Love & Healing? Love Medicine & Miracles? A Book of Miracles?

With much gratitude, thank you Bernie.
“When we practice not judging, we co-create the space of what it means to love unconditionally:  having the freedom to BE YOU with me.”

Bernie’s Answer:

Start with Love, Medicine & Miracles. When you wrote, “I’d read that chemo can make it worse,” you described what I see as the problem.  What you believe is what you experience.  You can have therapy with no side effects, too, but you have to be in touch with your body and able to give it positive directions.

Read The Art of Healing—Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-healing, too, and you will see that people’s beliefs, as seen in their drawings, help them have control over their fear and create better outcomes. The opposite can happen, too, but largely because other people have crowded out reason with negative opinions. One size never really fits all.

Your friend can draw her feelings—fears as well as what the best outcome she can envision would be. I can look at them and give some thoughts about what I see. An example from another patient was a drawing of “the devil giving me poison versus getting a gift from God.”

Look at the CDs I have on my website and pick one out for her.  https://berniesiegelmd.com/
