Q & A with Bernie – January 27, 2020

Question for Bernie

Hi. I’m fighting with drug resistance. Does your explanation of mind control in your book also work for my case too?  I have had parasites (lice and scabies) but the current medications, Permethrin and Ivermectin do not work. I have tried many other drugs including Lindane and Malathion, but they do not kill 100%, and I still have some remaining.

I need help. I’m telling myself “I’m parasite free” every day, but I still have them. How much would the mind control be effective? If you were in my shoes, what would you do? I think the parasites developed resistance toward medications now, and I don’t have new medications to try anymore. Literally, I’m in misery.

Bernie’s Answer

I would visualize the treatment eliminating the parasites every few hours every day. When you believe the opposite, it does have a negative impact.

Also, check with a Naturopathic physician, if you haven’t already, for other natural therapies that might be helpful to you. You need to believe in order to help yourself.  Look at other emotional issues in your life that might be suppressing your immune function.

Think in terms of getting healthy and then focusing on prevention with the best diet you can have, less stress through meditation and other ways that work for you, and especially keeping your self-talk positive.  That is a big challenge for everybody, but it really is necessary to keep your immune system at its most effective.
