Q & A with Bernie – March 28, 2022

Question for Bernie:

I had COVID, and I’m ok.

Does awareness of possible effects induce abnormal blood tests?

Do you object to screening people for thyroid disease, myocarditis, or blood clots?

Bernie’s Answer:

“Does awareness of possible effects induce abnormal blood tests?”
Yes it can.

“Do you object to screening people for thyroid disease, myocarditis, or blood clots?”

People who don’t get the vaccine have the same problems. Also, your harsh presentation creates new beliefs in people and induces the side effects you discuss. The mind is a powerful tool.  I had the vaccine and no problems.

But fear induces issues.  Look at how Monday morning affects health. On my website https://berniesiegelmd.com read my article, Deceiving People into Health.

– Bernie

Question for Bernie (continued)

So, fear induces abnormal labs? Examples please. So, if I find an unanticipated high TSH, it might be because I suggested testing for it?

Most people who go to the doctor with post-vaccine symptoms have not read my article. All 1.2 million (https://openvaers.com/covid-data), or 12 million if the under-reporting factor is 10, have something coincidental, or induced by fear of side effects? What do you do for people with such concerns?

So we can deceive people into health–or sickness?

Bernie’s Answer (continued)

Yes, our profession treats disease and not people.

You’d be amazed what doctors draw when you ask them to draw themselves working as a doctor.


Question for Bernie (continued)

Indeed it does. Everyone is terrified of COVID. People are treating other human beings like lepers. Such divisiveness and hostility I have never seen. Compassion and basic human rights are out the window. It all seems designed to persuade, bully, or ultimately force people to take the experimental jabs, while denying any harms. How will we know whether there are harms unless we look for them? Constant repetition that the vaccines are safe, and your terrible symptoms can’t be related, so shut up and take your next dose, are destroying people’s faith in our profession.

Bernie’s Answer (continued)

Read my book Love, Medicine & Miracles.  Spontaneous remissions are self-induced healing.

Why is Monday worse for our health statistically?  When chemo is the devil giving me poison what happens versus I get out of the way and let it go to my tumor.

My patients were considered crazy until oncologists began to enjoy them.  I can tell stories forever about the survivor personality.

– Bernie