Q & A with Bernie – May 14, 2018

Question for Bernie:

Dear Bernie – I first heard about you on Erin Lay’s Cancer telesummit.  I have multiple myeloma. Diagnosed in October of 2013 as a result of what I thought was a sports injury. It turned out that the cancer had eaten away my L3 vertebrae. I had a fusion and then started chemo.  Had a stem cell transplant in 2014; After that went into remission for about a year and then through several more chemo cocktails. Currently on an immunotherapy regimen which has been working great but now my markers seem to be going back up.

I am an attorney, a shareholder in a woman-owned law firm. Luckily I have been able to dial back work. I participated in the woman of the year fund raiser for LLS in 2017 and am the current Rocky Mountain Region WOY as Team Mary Jo raised over $239,000 and broke the existing record by $50,000.

I am a Christian. I also am a skier, mountain biker, windsurfer and grandmother. We have two lovely grandchildren.  I have three stepchildren and a wonderful loving supportive husband.  I also do yoga and am trying to meditate more.

I feel fortunate that I am able to live my life to the fullest but am worried because the treatments do not last long and at some point I will run out of options. My doctors at University of Colorado are fantastic. They also embrace the spiritual side which is comforting.

Are there any ECAP teams in Colorado?  I didn’t see any on the website.  I also go to Boston to see Dr. Richardson at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.  If possible I would love to come and see you at the same time.

I would appreciate any advice you could give me.

Bernie’s Answer:

One problem is being a lawyer—as one said, “While learning to think, I almost forgot how to feel.”  So pay attention to your heart and not just your head when choices come up.

Read my books starting with these two—Love, Medicine & Miracles and The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-healing.

Also, having true faith in God as your ally can do amazing things; you have to believe and your body will respond.

ECAP is no longer an entity so I am not sure about where groups may still exist.

Ask around about any existing groups in the Colorado.  Look for groups that discourage complaining and encourage sharing inspirational experiences.

Next time you are in Boston let me know.  We run groups here on the second and fourth Tuesday afternoons every month.

As you read The Art of Healing, you can also do some drawings and email them to me for comments to help you make decisions.  Picture in your mind what you desire to happen and believe that it will happen, and your body will respond. I keep it up because I know what can happen.

Create harmony in your life through transformation and rebirth.
