Phone-in Support Group

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Hi Everyone,

I m thinking of starting a phone-in support group for people with cancer and other physical issues. I can pick a day and time and supply the call in number and code number.  I am sending this out see what you think about that. If you have thoughts about the idea, please leave a comment below.


25 Responses

  1. Jan Feeney

    I think this is a great idea and you, sir are an amazing man. When dealing with a physical issue, so many times you feel so alone. This would be a move to help keep the person on a positive vibe! Thank you for all you do Dr. Bernie

  2. Diane Griggs

    Fabulous idea

  3. Jean M Lord

    I think it is a WONDERFUL IDEA to start a phone in support group!!

  4. zoe

    Fantastic idea for those people that cannot get to your group. Fellowship is half the battle often. Thank you as always for all the decades of love and healing. xo

  5. Cristy Casamento

    I think it is a very giving and loving offer for people in need. Thank you for all you do.

  6. Nancy Evans

    I would be interested. I recently had surgery for breast cancer (2nd time) and the results were very good. But of course I have anxiety around it.

  7. pat burton

    This is something I know I have needed for a long time.. There is so much frustration not being able to voice my thoughts & fears to someone who is INTERESTED.. So many doctors treat me with little interest as a person.. They are detached from me as a living, breathing person who needs to be treated as if I am in the room with them.. I am interrupted & they are NOT interested in all my symptoms.. They spend their time on the computer and do not look me in the eye.. We all need a Bernie Siegal, MD
    Your books & recordings have been something that gives me hope…
    Thank You for giving me this.
    Pat Burton

  8. Sherry

    I have a chronic health challenge and would gladly welcome an opportunity for optimistic health inspiration with your excellence for truth snd hope. Thank you. Blessings for the best to all.

  9. Veronica Mauer

    Great idea- there was a phone in support groups for people with ALS- they called in every week- there was a moderator (had to be rules and limits set up) – even people who could no longer speak- they used their text to voice apps- such a need to reach out and connect with others going thru similar things.

  10. Pam Cartwright

    I am all in Bernie. Thank you!

  11. Angela

    That is a wonderful idea!
    There are so many of us who are alone with no other support. It’s hard when you have no one else to talk to about the illness except doctors. Talking to others who have a positive mindset with their illness would be great!
    Would it be free?
    I suggest you change the time each day/night you do the group so people all over can be there for the call at some time and the time differences won’t matter so much if the times of the group change.
    Thanks for asking for input.

  12. joseph kubetz

    awesome idea….love your book and cd’s and blog……visualize good stuff entering our body….say “love you” to yourself … all these nuggets 🙂 jumpin jo

  13. amy

    This is a great idea. I hope you carry through with it.

  14. Sabrina Wolby

    Sounds great !

  15. Jackie Ransom

    Yes, I would be very interested in joining in this phone-in support group. Would it be free?

  16. Sandy Lightfoot

    Dear Bernie,

    I think it is a great idea! When I was dx with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer 20 years ago, one of the nurses in the hospital where I was being diagnosed, suggested I buy your book, “Love, Medicine and Miracles”. She told me that the writer of that book talked about exceptional patients and she felt that I matched the profile of one of those people. So when my son came to visit me later that day, I asked him to buy me that book, so he brought it in for me later that day. I read it from cover to cover and after finishing it I felt as though (contrary to what I’d been led to believe by many), I could beat the cancer and become well again.

    I was diagnosed in April 1999 with a Ca 125 of 9800 and massive pulmonary embolisms. I did the usual chemo with 3 before surgery and 6 after and ended up in remission. I have added alternative strategies to the original medical treatment, which I believe (along with reading your special book) has been factors in keeping me in remission.

    Thank you for helping all those people who need it. I have bought the book several times and passed them along (over the years) to folks who need some extra special help.

    I believe your phone-in idea will be an awesome aid for those who need guidance and a poke in the right direction.

    Thank you for doing all the things you do.

    Sandy Lightfoot.

  17. Ginny Perre-Dowd

    Oh, Bernie, what a wonderful idea. For people like myself (I’ve been living with Angiosarcoma for 8 years, combining now immunotherapy with telephone visits and a plethora of suggested supplements from a naturopathic doctor, eating no longer for taste satisfaction at all, but choosing and combining foods that either are touted to cause apoptosis, anti-angiogenosis or both, am the sole caregiver for my elderly husband with heart and lung problems who himself takes 12 medications daily, and seeing the Angiosarcoma rather than myself progress (literally seeing – it’s on my scalp) in an increasingly voracious manner, no longer being able to focus on meditation effectively, not wanting to burden my friends with my fears, and not knowing what else to do or where to turn ~ this is the longest sentence in history, no? ~ ) a phone-in support group would be a warm and welcome option. Thank you for thinking of it, and for all you’ve done for and said to so many for so long. You are truly one of God’s precious gifts to humankind.
    Ginny Perre-Dowd

  18. Leslie Green

    Excellent idea. I’d love to join a group like this. You assisted me via phone call when I was diagnosed in 2002. Your interpretation of a dream and offer to be available anytime changed my fear into expecting a positive outcome. I’ve shared how your speaking with me changed everything with many. This includes counseling cancer patients at an alternative cancer treatment center for several years. I often bought and gave them copies of Love, Medicine and Miracles along with counseling. Thank you. I’d love a positive group to be involved in.

  19. Ruth Anne McManus

    Hi Bernie…I would love to be part of your phone in support group. I am healing from an autoimmune condition called PANS that I have lived with since childhood and just got diagnosed. I’ve been using your meditations and books and to interact with others with you as the moderator would be a blessing.

  20. Sandi Gordon

    I would love this – I have multiple myeloma. Sandi Gordon

  21. Pamela Madore

    I think the phone-in Support Group is a great idea. This is my second go round with Cancer and I am looking for additional support than the first time. The American Cancer Society is such a large organization. It would be so helpful to get advice from more local resources. For example, finding rides to treatment and to share private meltdowns with other frustrated people.

  22. Rebecca Hunt-Kasarjian

    I think your idea for a support call will help so many people in a way that they wouldn’t be helped otherwise. Thank you!

  23. Karin Lehr

    Hi Bernie!

    What a dear, generous man you are! I live in NJ and attended your support group once in CT. It was an honor meeting you and being in your presence! As my treatments progressed and I became increasingly tired and uncomfortable, a four + hour round trip was challenging.

    It would have been WONDERFUL to be able to call in from the comfort of my home! As a psychotherapist myself who has worked in a number of hospitals, I do think it’s important to limit the amount of negativity in a group. Some people have a tendency to use a group forum to discuss explicit details of grueling treatments and procedures, or vent unrelenting negativity or hostility. I don’t think that benefits the group as a whole and would be better addressed in individual psychotherapy.

    Thus I feel it’s critical to maintain the integrity and well being of the group as a whole by rendering it a positive forum where people exchange information, support each other, encourage positivity and share constructive coping tools! A group centering and meditation would be wonderful!

    Good luck with this proposition! I hope it actualizes!

    Karin Lehr, LCSW

  24. shannon

    This is a wonderful idea and plan! Made my day just reading it. People that are dealing with cancer need any extra support they can get. I am helping my dad who has bladder cancer, and I am always on the look out for support for him! Thank you for all you do!

  25. Rose Ann Jacobs

    This would be wonderful. I had the opportunity to hear you speak back in the 1980s in Ann Arbor, Michigan. My sister is dealing with APL leukemia and I would love to have her be involved with this support group. Please keep me posted.