Friendship is the golden thread that ties all hearts together.
— Anonymous
One day, Marilyn, one of our support group members, sent me an email with the subject line guidance. In her email, she told me that the word dance being a part of the word guidance made her think about how dancing is like doing God’s will. Two people dancing are not struggling with each other; one leads and the other willingly follows. When the two become a team their movements flow in harmony with each other.
When she looked back at the word she saw the G as representing God and then U and I. So guidance is about God, you, and I dancing together. When you are willing to trust and believe, guidance comes. I believe the rhythm we should all be dancing to comes from our Creator. It allows us to move as a team while creating our unique dance of life.
The thoughts she related in her email made me think about the word friendship as well. We are all sailing through the waters of life, which are sometimes turbulent and stormy and sometimes calm with the breeze at our backs. But no matter what the sailing conditions are, doing it with friends makes it easier.
So when you set sail, remember to bring some friends along. When things get rough you’ll have the supporting crew who will help you through the storms, and when the wind fills your sails you’ll have someone to share the joyful journey with.
Sail through life knowing your guidance comes from the eternal compass, which knows the direction you must sail to return to your home port.
~ Bernie