Q & A with Bernie – April 4, 2022

Hi Bernie,

The gratitude I have for your work and book Peace, Love and Healing, cannot be expressed in words. I’m overwhelmed today as I realize it was published in or around the time I was diagnosed with MS. Later I was diagnosed after x-rays with scoliosis and was told they could either put pins in my back or I could find myself a good chiropractor which I did. I bought an inversion table, and pursue dark cell microscopy, Shiatsu, ultra-violet, infrared laser and many other therapies. I try to eat organic and grow the sweetest tomatoes on the block in addition to herbs, beans, and prescribed cannabis and marijuana. In fact, the woman who does my blood work teaches and uses me as an example.

At the time when I was introduced to your book, I was an out-patient at St Michael’s MS clinic in Toronto, ON, Canada. I had to jump through some hoops to get into the clinic and essentially had to fire a neurologist and neurosurgeon who had very negative forecasts . So, I was grateful because Dr. Paul O’Connor who last I was aware was Chief of Neurology at the MS clinic accepted me as a patient and I was a handful because I don’t like the words no or can’t. It goes against Taoist philosophy and what I was taught by my parents. The water current moves around the boulder and becomes stronger or as my late father used to say, “Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead”.

The day Dr. O’Connor shook my hand and told me I no longer had to see him unless I found it necessary was extremely empowering. I have not been back since and had been an out- patient for around 18 years.

I received your book from a student of 2 Tai Chi Masters when I was helping- out, in an adapted Tai Chi exercise class for people challenged with an MS diagnosis. Both masters took me under their wing and were patient, tolerant and compassionate enough to teach me exercises that I still practice every day as part of my physiotherapy, which also includes yoga. I brought your book into the MS clinic shortly after diagnosis and we had a number of discussions/debates about alternative therapies, EFAs, Gluten/Diet, Mindset, Exercise, and Logic and Reason etc.

Your book changed my life and I have told many people about it including our AG when I commented re MAID and how being diagnosed at an early stage in ones’ life does not necessarily mean disaster.

These days I’m also experiencing inguinal fluid displacement that seems to go away for periods of up to 11 hours some days even when I’m active and lifting when I reach the right state of mind and perhaps that is also why I am contacting you today. For instance, as I am now in a calm state because I know when you reach out there is always an echo response in the universe, I just finished 2 physio sets with no inflammation.

My work focus is on healing the planet and supporting humanitarian causes. The company I own with my partner was built from scratch when finding enough money to buy food or pay rent or utilities was a big challenge.

My wish for you and Lucille is longevity, health, and happiness because I feel you have earned it.

Thank you for you very valued compassionate contribution to humanity.

Best Regards ~

Bernie’s Response:

Where there is talent, things happen. I am proud of you.

I can coach, but you showed up for practice.

Bless you.
