Q & A with Bernie – December 11, 2022

Question for Bernie:

I would be grateful for any direction for an honorable doctor to help me on my best path forward post taxotere and carboplatin, and radiation destruction of my immune system and ability to heal. My doctor lied to me and then my next doctor’s husband pretended to be a doctor and gave me blood clots reinserting the IV too many times.

It appears that I am in a battle with false selves and looking for a heart to help heal from the cancer treatment that was forced on me. I had a wonderful nurse practitioner here but she moved to Arizona and I do not have the energy or ability to search alone by trial and error through the hubris of egos in white coats.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and any suggestions or direction. Your books and Richard Rohr’s Immortal Diamond have provided hope that there is ability and help to heal personally and systematically beyond.

Bernie’s Answer:

I don’t have any names for you.  I would talk to doctors and question them, and let their reaction to you guide you.  You can also ask if they know about me and my books and work.

– Bernie