Q & A with Bernie – December 21, 2020

Dear All,

Every so often, one of you sends along a message to me reflecting on the learnings that came out of our work together, with me in the role of surrogate Dad. I recognize when someone needs the kind of loving guidance parents can give, but may not know how.  Thanks to all the many caring people who asked me to be their “Chosen Dad” or “Best Dad” over the years. When you share your insights about learning how to use the power we each have over our own health and healing, it helps others so much, and often restores lost hope.  This is one such special message:

Special to Bernie:

Hi BDad!  I wrote a poem about you and me. I think it turned out great! I wanted to share this with you.

My teacher, my friend

In the days,
before cell phones or

We talked by phone or
Mail, commonly referred to as
Snail Mail.

I so enjoyed writing
back and forth.
You helped me see,
how to give my body
messages, of Love and

After almost 31 years,
computers are now in our
phones that we carry among us.
Wow!  Times have

We have known each other
almost 31 years!
Your humor, wit and
love for me
has continued

Thank you for
Loving me as
one of your
own children.

Bless you, thank you, and
I love you, too.


I could have written these words about you.


2 Responses

  1. susan

    Thank you so much for sharing this; it is 23 years since I lost my Dad and I know he is in heaven; I miss giving him a hug. I will be in touch with him by prayer and celebrate his life tomorrow. Susan

  2. Gregory McNamara MD

    Dear Bernie- Thank you for helping me heal my inner deamons and helping thousands of people like me with physical and mental injuries – you have been a true light of Love in the Darkness – Happy Holidays – God Bless you and your family – My condolences with the passing of your wife – Bobbi