Question for Bernie
Good morning Bernie,
I hope this email finds you well. I have some good news—my tumor is shrinking after two treatments of chemo, and keeping an exceptional patient attitude! But I do have a medical question, or two, that I was hoping you can answer for me.
The doctor said although the tumor is getting smaller, it changed shape from round to like a dumbbell shape and is now leaning on my ureter, which they want to possibly stent. Do tumors change shape? I find that odd. And if it’s shrinking with treatment wouldn’t it then shrink away from the ureter?
I also want to know when your next eCaP meeting will be because I’d like to listen in.
I feel for the most part I’m staying positive and tolerating my treatment really well. My blood counts are great and the only constant is that I’m tired.
I REALLY want to be free of this and live another 25 years cancer free! I’m hoping this will be possible. Thank you in advance for your help and Happy holidays,
Bernie’s Response
Yes, it could change shape if part of it dies and shrinks. You could give it a bit of time to observe change or have stent put in now. It’s not a big issue, really.
Keep visualizing the tumor correcting itself. Visualize turning off blood to the tumor except when you get chemo—at that time, visualize sending all of the chemo to tumor site. After chemo, visualize shutting down blood circulation to the tumor again, and visualize it shrinking away from the ureter.
Question for Bernie
Dear BDad,
I am sorry to upset you, and I am sorry to have sent you my last email. I’m seeing the attachment you sent as a Divine message meant only for me.
I did ask and death talk is not bothersome to him.
Happy and Merry!
Bernie’s Response
You don’t have to be sorry. I love you and am not upset—you just got me thinking. When he’s here for a visit, I will talk about things I can help him with. He seemed pretty good earlier this week.
Please remember, the best doctors say I’m sorry and don’t make excuses. You are a good soul.
Gregory McNamara, M.D.
Dear Bernie– Are you planning any public appearences in 2021?– Thank you – be the Light–