Q & A with Bernie – February 5, 2024

Dear Everybody,

I want to share a message I just received from my collaborator on my book The Art of Healing—Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-Healing. The text is illustrated with many drawings by patients along with my interpretation of what they teach us about healing. Here are her thoughts and memories of working together to create this very special book. Read on, Bernie

Read on,

Message to Bernie from Cynthia J. Hurn, Freelance Writer and Editor

I worked with you on that book (The Art of Healing), remember?  You kept blowing my mind with your stories that went with the drawings. They were almost too incredible to be true, but I knew they were.

Then, do you remember, when we finished the book that January, I told you I couldn’t make up my mind if I should stay in the states or go back to England and watch my grandchildren grow.  You told me to draw a picture of me in the states and another of me in the UK. The only picture I could draw was the one of me getting off the plane and my family waiting there to greet me.  You counted the windows on the plane and there were 10.  We didn’t see any connection at that time, but I went to England 10 months later in the 10th month, October. Then you told me my knees were buckling, but I had nothing to fear because my shoulders were broad enough to handle it. The knees represented the many moments of overwhelming fear that I had, and you were right. I handled it just fine.

You also said their feet were all pointing towards me and so we’d all get along.  That turned out to be true too. My daughter and I had our struggles, but I listened to her and learned how to respect her boundaries.  Eventually she learned that she could trust me and we grew quite close over time.  Six years later when the youngest grandchild turned eight years old, they didn’t need me as much as when they were little. The older kids were babysitting and I was ready to come back to Washington and return to the new relationship I had just begun with Jim when I left the states. Now Jim and I live together with our 6 dogs, 3 cats, 2 horses and 40 acres of forest, pasture, orchard and veggie garden.

That was a good book. The Art of Healing was all about the art of living.

You have been such a blessing in my life. Thank you, Bernie.