Q & A with Bernie – January 1, 2018


I am writing this e-mail for my dad. My dad is a wonderful 54 year old man who would really benefit from wellness coaching and mentoring.

He was diagnosed with cancer 7 years ago, and 4 years ago the doctors gave him weeks to months to live. However with his determination, family support, and alternative treatments he has well surpassed the doctors’ expectations.

He has been doing well, however recently we learned that the masses in his chest are quite large.

My dad, and entire family are very positive and optimistic, however I feel as though my dad could really benefit from a wellness coach that believes in healing and can work with him one on one.

We live in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. I was wondering if there is distance support.

Thank you very much.


Review my web site, www.berniesiegelmd.com, for  CDs which can be of help.  Also, look through the descriptions of my books on the website and definitely read Love, Medicine & Miracles.  Another of my books that could be of help is The Art of Healing—Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-healing.

In Toronto, Dr. Mel Borins can be of help and you can contact him at [email protected].

I can also work with your father via emails and drawings he does for me to evaluate. Your dad has the potential to heal.  Help him work at loving his life and body so his body gets the loving, positive message about healing.


  1. Lisa Kortright

    I wpuld love to attend one of your group meetings and seminar. Do yku have an updated site which has the upcoming meetings and seminars. I was just recently dx. With breast mets. But my family say I am in denial. I call it Hope.