Q & A with Bernie – May 7, 2018

Question for Bernie:

Good Morning Dr. Siegel,

I am in my 70s and am a wife, mother and grandmother, and I have just had my first chemo treatment for Stage 1 lymphoma.  I have heard you speak (years ago) and I just wanted to ask you, what is the most positive way I can undergo this treatment?

I am very fortunate to have a caring support system including my husband, family, and the prayer community at the Lourdes Shrine in Litchfield, where I have been a volunteer for many years.

I have been doing some “imaging” on my own, but what can I do to maximize the healing and minimize the effects of chemo? Any ideas you can give me will be appreciated!

Thank you for your contribution to our world……

Bernie’s Answer:

Read my books, The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-healing, as well as Love, Medicine & Miracles.

Several times each day, picture getting therapy and feeling well (hungry, not fatigued, etc.), with no side effects and until chemo is finished. Your body believes what you visualize.

Go to my website and browse through my CDs, selecting any that you feel would help guide you on your healing journey.

You will do well, I know.
