Q & A with Bernie – September 20, 2021

Question for Bernie:

Hi Bernie,

Thank you so much for your wise advice. I have had so much trouble doing this exercise – loving my body in front of a mirror. I started just by looking at my body and then looked in the mirror.

I don’t think I am physically attractive, so I thanked my body for what it does and blessed it as I went over the body parts. Bonus Dad, I was surprised by how much BETTER I felt after doing this exercise!!!!

I’m going to push myself to do this a couple of times a day, kind of like eating my veggies. I realize it is good for me and will take some adjusting to.

FYI – over the past 2 weeks I told my brother he cannot 1) yell at me anymore, and 2) I will not absorb any more emotional abuse. This is a big change, so I know I’m going to have to keep reinforcing this with him. There is love there, but I refuse to accept this inappropriate anger.

GOOD NEWS – I saw my oncologist today and my tumor markers are down nearly another 10 points, to 99.9 – down from 109.2 – so about 9 points and a little more under the decimal point.

I do have a question for you about 2 symptoms I am recently experiencing from my medications, which the oncologist has told me are side effects.

1. I am tired. The oncologist has told me to push myself to do more. This is hard.

2. My knees hurt a lot. Today I started saying “thank you” and “I love you” to my knees (wondering what you would have me say?). This is a side effect of her medication. She told me to take Tylenol and told me to push myself to exercise as much as I can.

I’ve lost 19 pounds on a plant based diet. I am obese, so still a long way to go.

I hope you know how grateful I am to you. I look forward to attending your groups. I’m sorry I missed one recently. Thank you for helping me and for helping so many people.

I love you Bonus Dad.

Bernie’s Answer:

Spend time loving your body and not fearing it and its problems. Sit naked before a mirror and love yourself and your body.

Your fear is having a reverse effect on your body and immune function. Laugh for no reason every four hours every day, and have faith—use God as a helper, too.

Stop being afraid and blocking your ability to heal; believe in yourself.

– Bernie