Dear Everybody,
Once again this week let me share some of the wisdom I keep encountering. While I wonder what will I write about next week I also know my problem will be solved by the greater consciousness. So here are some more words of wisdom and remember what I shared last week.
The fragmenting of our concept of the world comes from how we are raised and so-called educated. When the message we get is about our separateness and I am better than you the cohesiveness is interrupted and we become like the Ebola virus and parasites within the structure of life. Society has an immune system too but we have to give it the message that we and our universal body love life and creation so it works effectively and not like life is a series of Monday mornings.
I grew up in Brooklyn, New York and enjoyed the lifestyle and family like feeling of all the people who lived on our street. There was no discrimination felt related to race, religion, color or nationality. I took days off from school on Carmine’s religious holidays and he on mine. When his mother fed me bacon for breakfast, before I knew what it was, my Orthodox Jewish grandfather almost fainted but was not bitter or resentful. He lived the message above and didn’t try to circumcise Carmine. (Just kidding.)
When I grew up and went to Cornell Medical School in Manhattan my feeling about the city changed. My wife, Bobbie, taught school on Long island and I took the subway into Manhattan from our Queens’ apartment. I needed to use the travel time to study and people were mad at me for taking a seat from a senior citizen. When I put the book I was reading into a smelly gross anatomy book I brought with me, and held in my lap, they backed off. The people, the noise, the lack of respect, crowding and more made me see New York City in a negative way until I got to know Norman Vincent Peale.
When I discussed the above with him and that I preferred the quiet country to the noisy city he said, “Bernie it’s not about quiet or noise it is about the rhythm.” He got me to see that what I complained about many creative people found energizing and his words helped me to accept life in a healthier way. I have learned that the symbol of self-induced healing is a rainbow colored butterfly. It represents the transformation and creation of harmony and rhythm; the butterfly and the rainbow are the symbols. So find that harmony and your life’s rhythm and you will feel the energy within you and dance your creative and unique way through life.
At the same time the body of the universe will feel the change and strive to survive now that life is evolving into a universe of love. The warming, or fever, will cease and our bodies and universe will heal and achieve their potential and immortality through the one thing of permanence: love. That is what it is all about folks. So get busy being a love warrior and bring humor and love into all the lives of every living thing you are connected too. To repeat last week’s closing words of Einstein’s comment: “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
I do not know where I found the following. Perhaps it came from God knows where: Man is God’s needle to sew the patches of creation into a single garment for His glory. At one end sharp, to squeeze through the ordeal. But the other end must have a vacant hollow, a nothingness, with which to hold the thread. With the world we are firm and sharp within; we know we are nothing before the infinite.
This is a quote from Helen Keller (and I’ll share more of her teachings in the future). “The inner or mystic sense, if you like, gives me vision of the unseen.” Those who prefer “facts” to vision want a scientific explanation. “Science with untiring patience traces man back to the ape, and rests content. It is out of this ape that God creates the seer, and science meets spirit as life meets death, and life and death are one.”
“We can now meet death as nature does, in a blaze of glory, marching to the grave with a gay step, wearing our brightest thoughts and most brilliant anticipations, as nature arrays herself in garments of gold, emerald, and scarlet, as if defying death to rob her of immortality.”
Peace, Love & Healing,
Bernie Siegel, MD
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “You can never do a kindness too soon, for you never know when it will be too late.”
As Bernie Siegel said, “Do not live your entire life as a green leaf to please the family tree. When you accept the reality of the Fall of your life you uncover your beauty, uniqueness and authenticity.”
We currently have a cancer support group the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of the month at Coachman’s Square at 21 Bradley Road, Woodbridge. If interested contact Lucille Ranciato [email protected] 203 288 2839; or myself [email protected]