The Meaning and Value of Art and Charlie Siegel’s Photography

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It has been my belief, that besides sharing various artistic talents with Charlie, we share an awareness and value of art from photos to drawings of nature as speaking the truth about life. I have worked with drawings by people of all ages, including children, and they helped me to evaluate their health and best treatment choices no matter what age they were. Color and shapes have meaning just as words have. When people are ready to die, they will often use a drawing of a purple cloud with their name in it. Purple is a spiritual color and the cloud tells me they are ready to go up and depart from their life’s body. Symbols and colors are God’s way of communicating many things to us.

I used drawings and pictures to help people make decisions about their therapy and many other choices about aspects of their lives from ‘Who should I marry?’ to ‘Where should I live or go to college?’. Red and black don’t speak well about a job or operating room versus the tranquility of green, blue and yellow. Now is the time to use art in all forms and techniques from crayons to forms and shapes to help people and patients choose jobs as well as treatments. I believe that nature, and Charlie, in a sense, is helping us too.

Charlie’s photographs of nature point out to us the beauty and even danger of nature so we can care for and make the right decisions about our lives. I mean this literally. Next time you have to make a decision draw pictures about your options. It can be ‘Who should I marry?’ ‘What job is best for me?’ or ‘Is surgery or chemotherapy right for me?’.

Nature can guide you to the place of healing, wisdom and knowledge. I could literally write another book right now about my experiences from the mysterious wisdom of art to its practical wisdom. So when you want guidance, see what your drawings tell you or what colors you choose to help you decide upon your next job or treatments. My books and Charlie’s books and photos can guide you.

What Charlie’s work can help you uncover is within you. So get your crayons, explore nature and view Charlie’s art and sense your response to some of his many symbols and choices. Especially when making decisions about your life’s new directions. Time is revealed in art also through numbers so take the nest step and sense your feelings and reactions to Charlie’s photographs and sensitivity.

~ Bernie

Explore Charlie’s online gallery and photography store online at and check out his books (including our co-authored book When You Realize How Perfect Everything Is) on